People are constantly coming up with new, ingenius inventions every day. Some of them seem so funny, outlandish, and mybe useless - but in reality, most of these are worth more attention and acknowledgment than they get! These strange but incredibly useful inventions are designed to simplify your life in ways you probably never even considered. Some of these items can improve your life as a pet parent, a human parent, or as someone who simply wants to become more organized.
In this list we've put together grocery bag grippers to help you carry your food, coffee mug organizers to create more cupboard space, and silicone wine stoppers for hosting parties. There are also heatless curler sets to avoid burnt hair, luggage scales to prevent travel stress, and fuzzy bath towels to add some additional flair to your bathroom! Keep scrolling.
This LED Alarm Clock Doubles as a Mirror
When the product that wakes you up also doubles as a mirror, you're getting a two-for-one deal. This LED alarm clock lights up and emits noises to wake you from your slumber. The front side of the clock has a built-in reflective mirror where you can catch the first morning glimpse of yourself.
These Dishwasher Pods Remove Limescale and Odors
Having the cleanest dishes possible is a great goal to have inside your home. No one wants to eat off dirty plates, bowls, or silverware. Fortunately, these dishwasher pods are strong enough to leave your dishes sparkling clean by getting rid of any limescale and odors.
This Lotus-Shaped Soap Dish Has a Clever Feature
Washing dishes might be a chore, but this beautiful lotus-shaped soap dish can elevate anyone's kitchen sink in seconds. It features a unique design that drains excess water and soap suds directly into the sink. Nothing makes a better stocking stuffer than something as pretty and functional as this nifty soap dish.
This Glass Brush Makes Doing The Dishes Fun
Okay, so doing the dishes will probably never, ever be fun. But the clever design of this handy glass brush at least makes it faster and easier. It has a built-in suction cup that keeps it firmly attached to your countertop, and the high-quality bristles allow you to run your cups, mugs, and glasses over it for a 2-second cleaning.
This Glass Foot File Shows Calluses the Door
Put your best foot forward with this glass foot file. It buffs away even the most stubborn, dry, rough skin to reveal baby-soft feet that you didn’t even know you had under all those calluses. The non-abrasive design won’t cause damage, and the lid allows for sanitary storage.
These Outdoor Lights Make Camping Feel Safer
When you plan out your next camping trip, outdoor lights should be added to the list of essentials. These outdoor lights allow you to feel safer than you'd feel in the dark since they're bright enough to show you the surrounding area. They're also wonderful for late-night walks.
This Grocery Bag Gripper Means You Never Have to Take a Second Trip
Carrying the groceries inside after a shopping trip can be exhausting. This grocery bag gripper eases a lot of that tension by promoting equal weight distribution among your bagged groceries. With this handy bag carrier, you can bring the milk, eggs, bread, and everything else inside all in one trip.
This Pink Miracle Shoe Cleaner is a Real Original
Pink Miracle has been the #1 name in shoe cleaners for over 30 years, and there’s a very good reason for that: this stuff works. The shoe-safe formula uses saddle soap, gentle oils, and conditioners to leave your kicks clean, fresh, and looking like they just came out of the box.
This Odor-Absorbing Bar Is Basically Magic
I love garlic, but I also hate the way my hands reek of garlic for hours after cooking with it. This Rub-a-Way bar was made for people like me, and I still don’t really understand how it works. It’s constructed from stainless steel, and just rubbing your hands over it will neutralize bad smells. Amazing, right?
The Clean Ball Keep Your Purse Tidy
If you tend to gravitate toward cleaning products that require absolutely zero effort on your part, The Clean Ball has your name all over it. It’s a little rubber ball with a super-sticky interior ball that picks up dirt, dust, and random crumbs from your purses, backpacks, and bags without you actually having to do anything. It can also be rinsed off and used again and again.
This Dry Shampoo Poof Soaks Up Excess Hair Oil
No one has to know that it’s been a few days/weeks since you last washed your hair, thanks to this dry shampoo powder. The handy powder puff makes it easy to apply on the go, and the compact size can be easily thrown into a purse or suitcase. And aside from combatting grease, it also adds fabulous volume to flat, lifeless locks.
These Coffee Mug Organizers Save Cupboard Space
Saving space in your cupboard is doable with the right products on hand. These coffee mug organizers make it so you can stack your mugs and create more space in your cupboards. Having these means your coffee mug collection can keep expanding and growing.
These Drying Heads Are Perfect For Water Bottles
Drying out the inside of your water bottle will become so much easier with these drying heads. The hard-to-reach crevices at the bottom of your water bottle won't grow mold or mildew when you dry them out with these dryer heads, which are also refillable.
These Silicone Wine Stoppers Are Great For Parties
Since these silicone wine stoppers are shaped like sombreros, they are absolutely perfect for party hosting. Any parties you plan to host in the upcoming months will be far more memorable with wine stoppers like these. Keep your wine fresh while making an impression!
These Silicone Food Savers Work Well With Fruits and Veggies
Preventing food waste is so important in this day and age. When food isn’t properly stored, it will start going bad way sooner. When you use silicone food savers, your fruits and veggies will stand the test of time. Keeping fresh fruit and veggies for several days in a row is possible.
This Paper Towel Stand Doubles as a Dispenser
Paper towel stands are important to have in your kitchen because otherwise, paper towels will absorb wet splashes on your counters. This paper towel stand is more special than others since it also doubles as a dispenser for soap, cleaning products, and lotions.
This Heatless Curler Set Helps You Avoid Heat Damage
Rocking flawless curls on your head is such a flex. Curls are easy to achieve with a curling iron, but those devices also lead to massive heat damage. This heatless curler set allows you to rock curls without dealing with those concerns.
This Baby-Safe Cleaning Tool is Gentle on Noses and Ears
Cleaning your baby's ears and nose is easier to do with this gentle baby-safe tool. Babies can't control how much snot or ear wax they produce, and they can't communicate their discomfort either. This tool helps you ease their discomfort sweetly and gently.
This Portable Luggage Scale Takes Away Travel Stress
Have you ever dealt with the paranoia and fear that your luggage is going to be way too heavy for a trip you're planning? Instead of waiting until you're at the airport to weigh your things, try using this portable luggage scale instead. It gets rid of travel stress.
These Detachable Shower Sprayers Will Upgrade Your Bathroom
Showerheads that don't move at all aren't ideal for anyone who loves being clean. Detachable shower sprayers turn a normal shower into a far more cleansing experience. Being able to control where water streams are aimed allows you to reach every body part.
These Reusable Paper Towels Are Made Out of Microfiber
Why continue restocking paper towel rolls when you can simply use reusable paper towels? These are made out of spongey microfiber, which means they quickly absorb any wet messes around your home. They're also brightly colored in shades of yellow, red, green, and blue.
These Fuzzy Bath Towels Add Flair to Your Bathroom
Most people hang typical towels in their bathrooms to dry their hands off when they're ready. You'll instantly add extra flair to your bathroom by hanging fuzzy bath towels instead. They dry your hands just as much, but they look a lot cuter than the boring alternative.
These Pimple Patches Exist to Fight Back Against Acne
Who wants to deal with unwanted acne on their face? The answer is... no one. Acne is such a nuisance and it's known for lowering confidence levels. These pimple patches come in handy with fighting back against unwanted acne as it's starting to pop up.
This Oily Skin Control Roller Prevents Shiny Foreheads and Noses
The T-Zone is the facial zone that loves getting shiny whenever you're sweating in hot weather. Your forehead, nose, and chin are typically the areas that are impacted the most. The cheekbones also suffer! This oily skin roller works to control all of that shine.
This Bubbling Face Mask Detoxes Your Skin
You deserve to have clear, glowing skin that you can be proud of. One of the best ways to achieve the clearest and most glowy skin ever is by using top-notch skincare products. This bubbling face mask detoxes your skin, which means it's a great choice to lean on.
This Sink Topper is Supberb For Makeup Organization
Keeping your makeup organized and in order is crucial if your beauty routine is meaningful to you. Getting ready for a night out on the town is more stressful when all your makeup is cluttered and messy. This sink topper can be used to keep your cosmetics in line.
This Anti-Chafing Balm will Protect Your Delicate Skin
Chafed skin is just the worst! It can happen to anyone based on what you're wearing and what activities you're engaging in. Wearing shorts while going for a walk can even become an issue when your thighs start rubbing together. This anti-chafing balm is a life-saver.
This Modern Hair Brush Detangles Your Hair Gently
Combing out your hair on a regular basis is the best way to promote hair health and hair growth. Without a proper hair brush to depend on, this task can feel like a terrible chore. This modern hair brush helps detangle your hair in a gentle way that doesn't feel dreadful.
This Travel Pillow Provides Ample Neck Support
Public transportation can be wildly uncomfortable. Traveling on a plane or train without having a place to lean your head is absolutely terrible. Fortunately, this travel pillow provides ample neck support giving you the chance to comfortably sleep while en route.
This Dynamic Pen Set is Useful in a Multitude of Ways
Why settle for a boring pen when you can choose a pen that offers multiple uses? This dynamic pen set not only serves as a writing utensil but also serves as a light, stylus, ruler, level, bottle opener, and screwdriver. There are so many benefits to lean on.
This Egg Timer Takes the Mystery Out of Boiling Eggs
When you boil eggs for too long, they start turning colors. When you don't boil them long enough, they look runny when you cut into them. Boiling eggs to the perfect texture isn't always a walk in the park. This egg timer removes any and all of the mystery here.
This Pancake Batter Dispenser Prevents Spillage
Pancake batter spills are bound to happen every once in a while if you don't own a pancake batter dispenser like this one. When using a spoon to move the batter to your skillet, it's too easy for splatters to accidentally occur. This dispenser keeps that from happening.
This Couch Coaster Conveniently Holds All Your Drinks
It's time to sit back and relax with your favorite drink while lounging on the couch. Instead of placing your drink slightly out of reach on a coffee table or the floor, this couch coaster will make your life easier. Your drinks will be close enough to grab at every moment.
These Dip Clips Simplify Car Meals
Eating the car might not be something you do on a consistent basis, but if it's something you do every once in a while these dip clips can be game-changers. They make it easier to dip your fries and nuggets into your favorite dips when you're in a car without access to a flat tabletop.
These Rug Grippers Protect the Ambiance of Your Home
A home will instantly look less chic and classy if the rugs on the floor are slipping and sliding around at random. These rug grippers help your rugs stay exactly where you want them to be. They protect the overall vibe and ambiance or true classiness in your home.
These Heel Stoppers Help You Stay Trendy in Grass Settings
Have you ever been invited to an outdoor event in a grassy area where heels were seemingly not welcome? If you're the type of person who adores high heels, you can still wear them in a grassy setting with these helpful heel stoppers. They keep your heels from sinking.
This Rainbow Glass Provides Excellent Heat Control
When you install rainbow glass like this into your home, you'll instantly reap the benefits of heat control. Regular windows allow the sun to beat down without any protection at all. This rainbow glass is powerful in fighting back against harsh UV rays as they shine.
This Cleaning Putty Will Make Your AirPods Look Brand New
The unfortunate reality about AirPods is that they collect dirt and grime fairly easily. We're talking about earwax, makeup, sweat, and oils. This cleaning putty will have your AirPods looking like they just came out of the box for the first time all over again.
This Dog-Friendly Showerhead is Great For Cleaning Your Pup
Making sure your dog stays as clean as possible throughout the week is beyond crucial. A proper doggy bath is typically enough to solve any issues. This dog-friendly showerhead is detachable, which means it simplifies the process of reaching all areas of your pup's body.
This HEPA Air Purifier Can Help You Sleep Through the Night
I bought my air purifier after weeks of waking up with a stuffy nose in the middle of the night and feeling as if I wasn not fully rested. I loved it so much that I bought two more! This one reduces odors, pet dander and airborne viruses, all while keeping quiet. That's the best part! There is no strange fan noise that will keep you up at night. You can place it in your bedroom or common areads to cycle out the air up to 600 square feet every hour.
These Razors Were Made for Your Face
If you've never heard of these dermaplaning razors with over 7500 excellent reviews, now's the time to get on board! They'll remove dead skin and facial peach fuzz so makeup goes on so much smoother. Plus, you can use them to trim eyebrows or unwanted facial hair with ease.
This Toilet Light Makes Late-Night Bathroom Visits Easier
No one should subject themselves to the bright beam of an overhead light when trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. This clever gadget solves just that. It attaches to the rim of your toilet to provide an easy-on-the-eyes level of light at night. The sensor detects motion and body heat, allowing the light to turn on when you approach your bathroom toilet and shut off when you leave the room. Plus, it has a 5-stage dimmer and multiple color options.
These Clip-On Strainers Make Colanders Irrelevant
There's no piece of cookware I hate cleaning more than a colander, and that's why I love this clip-on strainer. This inexpensive strainer clips to your pots and saucepans, allowing you to quickly drain pasta water or cooking fat without adding additional dishware to your dirty dish pile. It's constructed of high-grade, dishwasher-safe silicone, and works with almost any size of cookware.
This Rapid Slicer Speeds Up an Annoying Job
If you’re a big fan of cherry tomatoes but dread the job of actually having to slice up all of those cherry tomatoes, this Rapid Slicer is here to change the entire game. It allows you to slice batches of cherry tomatoes, grapes, olives, and other small produce, thus saving you tons of time on prep work. It’s also great for slicing bagels, chicken breasts, and even pie dough.
These Emergency Stain Wipes are Total Life-Savers
I spill things on myself multiple times per day, so these emergency stain-removing wipes now hold a permanent spot in my purse. These powerful little wipes are fast-acting, use a professional-grade formula, and the convenient wipe design makes them TSA-compliant. Don’t leave home without them.
This Produce Washer Gives You Peace of Mind
I hate to break it to you, but simply rinsing off your produce for roughly five seconds isn’t really doing anything. It’s still covered with chemicals, germs, and who knows what else, all of which you put directly into your mouth. Clean up your fruits and veggies with this produce washer. Just place it into a bowl of water along with your produce and watch it do its thing.
This Egg Separator Is Shaped Like an Adorable Frog
Why can’t more kitchen gadgets be shaped like frogs? I suppose I should just be happy that this frog-shaped egg separator exists. It’s made from flexible silicone that sucks up an egg yolk with ease, so you don’t have to figure out how to somehow do that. I honestly have zero idea how one would do that without this nifty gadget, actually.
This Laundry Door Prop Prevents Stinky Washers
We have a front-loading washer that gets incredibly stinky if the door's closed for even a few minutes. I've been using this popular laundry door prop to keep the airflow going, and it's made such a difference! The super strong magnet holds the gadget on your washer securely, and the rubber-coated arm won't scratch the finish.
These Chunks of Pumice Make Your Toilet Look New
Powerstone's ultra-popular pumice chisel sticks are the inexpensive solution for quickly removing calcium deposits, limescale, rust stains, and more from your toilet, sink, and grout. You'll get 8 pumice chisels per pack, so you can add your own satisfying before-and-afters to their collection of glowing reviews on Amazon.